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Thursday, May 24, 2007
My Tr1P t0 L1tTl3 InD1a
It stinks.......... all those smoke they burn in little India. Oh ya, on 16 of May, I went to little India. 1st, we went to the printing on shirts shop. There,they sold henna, clothes and bangles. I had a free henna as that day was Janson's birthsay and they offered him but he declined so I decided to volunteer and the guy drew a scorpion for me. I also bought a henna packet which cost $1 that came from Damian's mum as I had left my wallet in my father's car.. After that we went to the Little India Arcade. There, we saw a lot of many different things. We were given a booklet and were asked to write down many things. If I'm not wrong, my group got 44/60 for the book. DAmian was the leader.We had went to "7-e/even" as we had all benn hungry and thirsty. After a while when we were walking along the road, Ms Chan Jye Yin came up to me and told me that my father had passed the wallet to her and she passed it to my form teacher, Ms Lee. I immediately returned the $1 to Damian's mum. Then, we went to the temple. We had to take out our shoes before we went in. When I used my index finger to point at 1 of the gods, Dion immediately told me that you could only use your thumb to point as it is a disrespect if u use your index finger. I had donated 30 cents and Dion had donated $1! There, I had learnt about many gods. Even though it was a long day, iw was very interesting.
Keif Tan 1727364751 has finished writing down the troubles.
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My Diary
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