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Friday, February 23, 2007
My N3w Y3Ar H0l1dAyS
Hi! During my new year holidays, I had a lot of fun! On the 1st day, I went to my grandmother's house fot lunch. Then, we went to my cousin's house to play. I played and played until we lost track of our time. Then, we only went back at 7+. The next day, we wentto my grangmother's house for lunch again. Then, we went went to the old folks home to visit my great grandmother. But, we didn'nt really visit her. All the children went downstairs to play dog and bone using my baby cousin's power ranger he was holding in his hand the hold day. Suddenly, as my sister had took it and was running back, one of the hand broke of! HAHA. Everybody laughed with tears in their eyes!. Then next, the other hand broke of again! It happened when I was running back too and now, there was a handless power ranger. How everybody laughed. After visiting the old folks home, we went to the chao chu kang cemetery to visit my late grandfather. I brought a wind-mill along to put at his tomb followed by some flowers. Some of my uncles bought some flowers from the gardener there. After we visited it, they all came to my house. There, they came to my private playground and we played very happily. Then, my idiot brother suddenly came with his soccer ball, but he didn't let us play with it , but made my babay cousin fall and scratch his leg very badly. He had accidentally scratched it against a cement wall. So, we went back into the house and at that time, we saw their parents came out and my aunty said," Just the right time! We were about to go and look for you!" Suudenly, my baby cousin cried. He told them what had happened and they immediately went home to put medication oil on his leg. The next day, I had a fever but it was soon gone but now my brother had it! we went back to my cousin's house and me and my cousin walked to Damian's house but nobody was in. So we took the shortcut to the playground. But didn't we know it was a long cut! Our other cousin's had already reach up there! We all laughed~! Soon, my father, my mum and brother went home to rest. And we had dinner at my cousin's house! We all ate tzi-char and I went home. How is ur new year holidays?
Keif Tan 1727364751 has finished writing down the troubles.
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My Diary
- Feb 12, 2007
- Feb 23, 2007
- Feb 27, 2007
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- Sep 21, 2007