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Maple Story

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My Favourite Game

My favourite game is Maplestory. It is a 2-D computer game. You need to download it in http://www.maplesea.com . You need to create a asiasoft passport to have three maple accounts. Next, you must download Maplestory before you can create your account. It will take you about at least half an hour to 1 hour. Next, log into your account to create a character. If u wan to be a magician, your Dex and Str have to be 4. If you wan to become a warrior, bowman or theif, your int and luk have to be 4. If uyou are a thief, u also have to add ur luk. Then, you can edit your character by pressing the button. Then, you can start playing it already. If you wan to become a mage, you have to be at least level 10. If you want to be a thief, warrior or bowman, you have to be at least level 10. Your dex must be 25 and ur str 4 or 5 if u want to become a thief. If you want to be a warrior, your str has to be at least 25.

Keif Tan 1727364751 has finished writing down the troubles.
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