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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My SePtEmBeR hOlIdAyS
My september holidays huh? It was sometimes boring and sometimes EXCITING! The boring part is the tution while the exciting part were my camps. I had 2 camps altogether. One is a student leader camp while the other is a chinese orchestra camp. Lets me tell about about my student leader camp. I don't feel like telling your aboutmy C.(chinese orchestera)as it is very long. It was an overnight camp. We had to bring along our sleeping bags, toothbrushes, shampoo and soap. It was super exciting. On the first day, we first wentto Temasek secondary school, from 8:30am to 5:30pm.Then, when we went back to KHS at 6:00. We assembled at the canteen and we were split into different groups and told which room to sleep in. After that, we took turns to bathe.We were each given a bucket to collect water and use it to bathe. After that, we went for dinner and hadour song session.Finally,the moment I was waiting for finally came.The Night Walk! It was a walk at night which there were booby traps set by the P5 leaders. Then, we went back to bed. The next day, we woke up at 6:30. Then, we went for our 1.2km jog. After that, we settled down for breakfast and we started our activities. First,we had our team building. We had to build a building usingrope, newspaper and masking tape. It had to be strong, firm and tall. After that, we wentfor our obstcle race. It was very fun. At the end, we had to walk across wood trunks and jump into a tub and we would get wet. After we changed and went back to the canteen, we found that our building had toppled! We didn't care after that. Then, at about 12noon, we went for our out door cooking. We cooked instant noodle, kangkong and Fried egg. Afterthat, I stayed back with my friend(One of the prefects) to help Mr Low cleanup the place. About 12:45, I called my mother and asked her if I could goto my friend's house . She said she was busy and said I could go to my friend's house. Thats the end.
Keif Tan 1727364751 has finished writing down the troubles.

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